Oil Painting Stick Crayon



Regular$0.36 $0.21 $0.17 $0.15 $0.12 $0.11


Made by non toxic material, with high saturation for easy application and long-lasting vibrancy. The soft paste provides excellent coverage and its thick and delicate texture allows for layering, like an oil painting. Suitable for school and more.

keywords:Drawing, Cylindrical, Pastel, Art, Stationery
Theme:Writing, Children
Product DetailsImprint Information
Color:VariousImprint Method:Screen Printed
Size:3" L x 3/8" WImprint Color:PMS Colors
Imprint Location:Center
Imprint Size:1" W x 1" H
Production informationPrice Detail
Production Time:15-20 Business DaysPrice includes:1 color 1 side 1 location
Rush Service:10-12 Business DaysSet-up charge:$50.00 (z)
Packaging:1pc/bagUpcharge details:Additional color imprint set up $50 (v) per color
Units/Ctn:1000Additional color running charge $0.30 (v) per color per location
Carton Size:12" L x 10" W x 7" H
Weight/Ctn (lbs):24